Talk Radio Advertising

Get great placement and rates on National or Local Talk radio – Including Joe Rogan, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Laura Ingraham & Hundreds more!


TV Advertising Deals – DRTV

Find remnant, wholesale, local spot, Cable and National ad rates for any TV offering in the USA! Fox  News & Business, MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, ESPN and so much more!


Digital Everything

We can get you great rates on Facebook, Instagram, Google Ad words, Search, Opt-in email lists, other social media, OTT streaming TV and much more!


Cost to make a Radio Infomercial 888-449-2526 – Co Hosted professional sounding radio podcast production at low hourly rates

The cost to make a half hour radio infomercial can vary but our base rate is between $500.00 and $750.00 on average. Our process in unique and regularly outperforms our competitors by way of results. Our technique is to have your spokesperson interviewed by a successfully syndicated radio personality with over 20 years experience in on-air infomercials. We have worked with Purity products, Blue Emu (Blue Stuff) The Phonics game, Oil of Oregano (Cass Ingram) and many more.

Best Political advertising method known – Works great for Candidates wanting to share their political message – Best political advertising technique ever devised. We are political advertising specialists.

The best thing about the long form radio shows we do is that our clients don’t need to know anything about radio – editing – equipment etc. We just lock on to you by phone or Skype and record the conversation. We do it in segments and then assemble them with calls to action and details or internal ad components.  After that, we edit the show and help you distribute it to local radio stations in virtually any market in the entire nation. If you really want to tale the time to educate and win over new clients and customers – there is no better medium than the intimate environment of radio or podcasting shows to do that. When you have planty of time to articulate the key points – and with us a known national radio personality joins you as co-host – making that effortless, seamless and fun! We will be happy to quote you on long term weekly or monthly commitments – just ask! Let us help you explore the story teller inside!

Call to schedule your long for radio infomercial or to set up your very own Podcast today!

Check out the long form radio page!

Call 888-449-2526 for a free consultation on your long form infomercial project.

Infomercial examples? Call for links!